How do I get started with TheDock? • TheDock

How do I get started with TheDock?

This is a step-by-step guide to setting up WordPress and TheDock.

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We offer affordable hosting optimized for WordPress with TheDock at a yearly fee. This is the easiest way to get started with TheDock if you do not have a WordPress website up-and-running already. Learn more…
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1) Hosting

* If you already have a server set up, please skip ahead to the next point.
* If you already have WordPress up-and-running, please skip to point 3.

The first thing you need is a web server for your website, which is generally purchased through a web host. Most hosts support WordPress websites (you can see the minimum requirements for WordPress here), and many offer simple setup and installation. The official WordPress website list a number of web hosts you can use.

2) Installing WordPress

* If you already have WordPress installed, please skip ahead to the next point.

Once you have a server up and running, you need to install WordPress. The easiest way to install WordPress is by following their own guide, which you can find here.

3) Installing TheDock

To install TheDock, you first need to have a valid license code available (read more about our licensing here).

Your copy of TheDock is available for download from your account on our website.

Install TheDock by uploading the zip-archive to your theme’s under Appearance in WordPress.

Using The WordPress Admin Dashboard follow these steps:

  • Go to Appearance > Themes in your WordPress dashboard
  • Click ‘Add New’ followed by the ‘Upload Theme’
  • Locate, add it and click ‘Install Now’
  • Once the theme is installed, an automatic procedure for install the ‘TheDock – Builder’ plugin will initiate. In the eventuality of a failure in this procedure, you can always install the plugin manually via Appearance > TheDock Addons.
  • A new WordPress Admin menu item called ‘TheDock’ will appear. You are now ready to enter TheDock.